Hollywood The Exotic Jungle!
Hi, I’m Carolina De Athey and I came to Los Angeles to pursue acting. I was already involved with modeling and music. I had an original single out and was already a working model when I feel in love with acting. So I decided to move to Los Angeles to pursue my acting dreams. To the Land where dreams come true!
The land we see in the movies and we gaze at beautiful pictures in the magazines. Beverly Hills, Hollywood is sooo Beautiful and Glamorous!
I got here to find a community of artists, struggling artists to say the truth. Working hard to find out what’s the right fit and what to do to stand out, what kind of job to do to pay the bills and keep on going. What to do to be able to afford to try to become actor. Because everything costs! Really, seriously I found an endless pool of dreamers.
Then I started to notice how the industry has changed and wearing one hat is no longer enough. You have to be more! Do more, rustle more, go after what you want, become confident even when you’re not or when you are having a bad day and also have time for a personal life. I know… it sounds like a dark comedy. As if being a woman is not hard enough as an actress like so many others I also found myself in a #metoo type of situation. At that moment I was lucky because God was with me and He gave me strength to be brave, calm and stand my ground. Have you seen my promo sword photo for the single Jumping on the floor? That’s what I mean! (But this story is a whole another article)
And so many fake and flaky projects and people we actors meet. I guess we artists all go through the rounds of facing reality and finding the “ropes” of Hollywood.
So you may think wow, she probably quit!
But then in that same pool of dreamers, I found Kindness, talent and drive! At the Actors Academy in coach Lewis Smith I found someone that loves filmmaking more than anything and he made me work very, very hard. For him is all about the work. I connected with real artists, men and women that go above and beyond the superficiality of the glitz. In the community of lifestyle and fashion bloggers I encountered beautiful women from different backgrounds that welcomed me as an artist and fashionista with open arms. And they know who they are! I also found special Angels that empower women through their work and showed me encouragement, motivation and support.
In my theatrical agent Sharon Zagar at The Jerry Pace Agency I found someone, a woman that believes my talent and work ethics. So I now feel more empowered and driven that never before! That’s right, just like a type of Wonder Woman in my own right…lol! Now I see the jungle very clearly and instead of hiding or running from it or doubting myself in face of fear or the unknown I choose to work with it and in it. I continue to work hard and every aspect of my artistry because I know I have “something to say”. That’s the Call of an artist. To have a voice! My very recent opportunities came with an All Star Directors and actors attached to it and I’m so grateful to these casting offices have taken notice of my work. It just makes me so thankful, grateful and motivated. To them I say Thank you!
To have started the year by shooting Relentless Love by Mejeyefilms now in post-production, to have booked The Cupids by Maeya Films starting pre-production soon and Natasha mail order bride escape to America by producers Brooke Forbes and Beely Lee also going into production soon makes me very excited! Now the most beautiful and inspiring act of kindness from an actress to another was to meet a true movie star, Dolores Dorn!
We had just casually met at a party. You would think someone at that caliber wouldn’t give much attention to a stranger, “new actress” like me but instead we connected and she shared a bit of her life and experience in filmmaking but she went further and out of her own will arranged for me to visit The Actors Studio which she calls it a home. She just called me one day and said, ” Carolina you have an appointment”. Just remembering that moment puts a smile on my face”. I’m eternally grateful! FYI, she won’t see this unless I mail it to her.
With all of that being said I learned that I have to stay humble, continue to put the work in, continue to work hard, hold on to my individuality, be kind and always I mean always be Thankful for every opportunity.
So now I say bring it on! Let’s dance gracefully together through this jungle that’s Hollywood.
I love what I do, I love storytelling and I won’t shy from a challenge. I’m here to stay!
Photography by Vincent Luu
Wardrobe – Skirt by Flayva Fashions, Shoes by Jorge Bischoff, Jewelry by Kendra Scott, Xiux e Brazilian Natural Feathers from Bahia.
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