Admin | December 29, 2020
Mariya Palanjian
Mariya Palanjian came to California as an immigrant when she was 12 years old with her parents after...
Admin | October 25, 2019
What the Experts AREN’T Telling You About Health
Written by Nikki Sharp I’ve dedicated the past 7 years to researching all things health, wellness, fitness, spirituality...
Admin | May 20, 2019
From London to LA
Born into a Persian family in London, I grew up in England, Iran and United States. I was...
Admin | February 20, 2019
Why Diets Fails
The Solution for Permanent Weight Loss Can you relate to the following scenario? You start a new diet...
Admin | May 24, 2017
Korean Beauty
There’s a lot of buzz and talk about how innovative and face paced Korean beauty is these days. ...
Admin | February 10, 2017
5 Hacks to Better Wellness & Health Habits │ The NYFW Edition
5 Hacks to Better Wellness & Health Habits │ The NYFW Edition February 9, 2017 · by Gina...