Ali Amer life in London
It’s Ali Amer and my wife Eliza and I came to England 15 years ago from Iran, and although we had a prosperous family and were only boys, I left everything without any support because I wanted better things in life.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?
Certainly nothing can be done without any support, but my wife and I have been able to go through difficult times since we arrived in London without any support or help, and without family and friends and the only one who was with us on this path was God. That did not leave us alone and only through love and understanding of each other we were able to get through the hard and lonely days and achieve success and live happily and most importantly that we are happy with the smallest things in our lives because we got through the hard days and now we are successful And we are strong 👊🏽
Miracles are internal, travel within yourself to create the magic of your life
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