TASH Cosmetics
So what works well for one persons skin might not work for another. That is why we have created lines containing only the finest mica mineral products which are unique and universal.
Being makeup artists ourselves we have used so many different brands of makeup throughout the years. And while we don’t like to bash other competitors, there was always something we did not like about the product. And eventually it wound up in the “Cosmetics Graveyard” with all of the rest of them! You know what I’m talking about, almost all of us women have one.
I personally, have very sensitive skin, if the wind blows wrong you can bet I’m going to break out. After several years of research and testing products and ingredients on myself, family and friends, we have come up with a line that is user friendly for all. Makeup Artist, newbies, young skin and even mature skin! (like ours) And not only that, but we have made some great partnerships over the past few years with some of the best cosmetic developers around to bring you even more wonderful options!
Whether your going out for a night on the town, need a daytime look, doing a photo shoot or film work, our lines are created to withstand whatever you put it through. This was important to us being MUA. We wanted to create products that you don’t continually have to re-apply because lets face it, who has time for that? You expect more of your makeup than that, don’t you?
We believe in our product and want to share it with the world. Did you know your skin will absorb up to 65% of what ever you put on it? Scary right? So why not make sure what your putting on your skin is going to be beneficial? After all you wouldn’t just put anything in your body right? Well the same goes with your skin. What ever you apply on your skin is absorbed directly in to your blood stream and the average woman puts over 200+ chemicals a day on her skin!
“With over 20,000 pores on your face alone, that’s 20,000 chances to get clogged pores and break out! Just by going outside your exposed to tons of free radicals and bacteria that float around in the air alone. that’s a scary thought right?”
And to top it off were buying makeup full of chemicals and adding them to our precious skin. Eeekkksss! That’s overall damage just waiting to happen. And products sold in a retail stores or warehouses may have been sitting there for quite sometime. Retail venues stock products on a shelf and there they sit until someone eventually buys them. Which also means it must have some type of chemical preservative added to ensure it’s shelf life. Our products are all made to order which means, you order it, we make it that day so you know your products will always be fresh and new.
This is one of the reasons we have spent so much time and research and really did our Due diligence while creating our our line. We know exactly what’s in it, and what it will do for your skin. We like to think of it as not only makeup, but skin food. Because it will not harm your skin and in fact is good for your skin not bad for your skin. TASH Cosmetics DOES NOT believe in animal testing. We♥our furry friends!
“You only get one chance at it. The skin your born with is the only skin you have. So why not take extra precautions when it comes to what you put on it? You only get one chance to make a good first impression. Why not make it a beautiful one?”
TASH Cosmetics Natural | Vegan Certified | Organic | Non-Comedogenic | Cosmetics & Skin Care | USA
Made with ♥ from California.
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