Floored the Show
Christy Curtis Buss
Who is Christy Curtis Buss? Aside from holding a Los Angeles powerhouse last names (often affiliated with the Los Angeles Lakers), Christy Curtis Buss has established herself as a self-made dance professional. In this exclusive interview with Amare Magazine, Buss opens up about how she has evolved over time and shares with us current projects, inspirations, and what sexy means to her!
Currently, Buss is directing a live dance show for the Las Vegas strip entitled, Floored!. She shares, “It is a high-energy and emotionally stirring new dance show with a cast of superbly talented female dancers who take the audience on a tour through urban dance from its roots in African dance to Afro Cuban to Charleston, Swing, Shuffle, Tap and Hip Hop.” The set takes the audience through video projected images of African forests, colorful Cuban streets, the music halls of Paris, to the concrete buildings of the Bronx and downtown Los Angeles.
Buss attributes her deep love for dance to her mother who owned her own dance studio. “I grew up dancing every day and learned everything I know through her amazing talent. It has made me who I am today.”
When she isn’t directing the upcoming show, Buss dedicates herself to her El Segundo dance nest, The Studio Art of Dance. It’s there, where Buss is most inspired by those she is able to help. “I love to help everyone be able to take dance class. I have helped so many dancers who otherwise might not be able to financially afford to go have that chance. In the big picture, it always comes back to you. I also have many dancers I taught, now teaching for me and that inspires me to see them be able to live their passion.”
When asked what she would like our readers to take away from her interview she shared very simply, “Live your dreams!”
For more information about Floored visit www.flooredlv.com
About Christy www.instagram.com/christycbuss/
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