July – August 2014 Cover
Baroness Kimberly Moore is an active entrepreneur from New York City
and Goodwill Ambassador to the United States of America, best
known for using her creative energy in raising funds and awareness for
a variety of industries. She has been successful in bringing together
highly influential people from around the world in private gatherings to
collaborate on business opportunities on a global scale and founded
The Echelon Club in 2005 with the intention of utilizing her network to
make a positive impact on society by creating a platform for growth
and social change.
Moore’s experiences vary from building educational programs for
children, coordinating concerts for young musicians to organizing
events for some of the world’s most influential leaders. In her spare
time, Moore also does some volunteer work for “Pediatric AIDS
Foundation”, children mentorship program with “Children Uniting
Nation”, “Hope’s & Dreams” mentorship program at the Los
Angeles“Dream Center”, Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Unite and Eve
Branson Foundation and also worked 3 years with wild animals such
as abandoned lions, tigers and chimpanzees rescued from the space
Throughout the last couple years, Moore’s Echelon support system
has provided her with the opportunity to educate and help individuals
and business owners to further their charitable causes or corporate
philanthropic initiatives. Echelon has allowed her to develop quality
programs and services assisting youth and families living in some of
the most impoverished areas of Los Angeles.
Inspired by her influential members, she founded “The Kimberly Moore
Foundation” an umbrella organization for her “Adopt A Letter” program
and “Keeping Harmony Alive” campaign. These programs have been
well recognized in the media for granting the wishes of over 20,000
children in the community and saving music programs in public
schools and eventually led to several awards, honors and her own TV
Who is Baroness Kimberly Moore?
An article reported by “Billionaire 500 Magazine” in 2009
regarding Moore’s outstanding achievements caught the eye of
the President and First Lady of Guinea Bissau, West Africa, and
they immediately reached out to ask her to help the people
living in their impoverished country. Baroness Kimberly Moore
readily agreed and was soon appointed by the Presidential
Office as Goodwill Ambassador to the United States for the
Republic of Guinea Bissau, West Africa.
Official website: www.KimberlyMoore.com
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